Ready for real training?

Whether we’re your first choice or a last resort, Koru K9 will ensure that your canine companion is the perfect addition to your pack.

REVISED: The team was very thorough in their follow up, including the follow up session that was really helpful. I was probably more unrealistic coming in and expecting a huge overhaul and change, but now completely understand its a process with me and my dog. We’ll get there. Thank you for giving me the tools to do so!

My dog Kobe was very bad on the leash, pulling all the time and very reactive towards other dogs and people. He was away for 3 weeks and showed good progress, mainly on the leash. However, he still jolts at other dogs and tries to jump on people, so that aspect has not been improved as much as I would have liked, despite being consistent with the training he was given. I was hoping for a bit more progress there, but he’s still much better on walks than before.

The trainer was very nice and informative, but again I wish for the price paid my dog came back a bit more controlled around people and other dogs, as that was a main driver for me sending him away.